Friday, 11 November 2011

New National Cultural Policy


From the Minister for the Arts

After ten weeks of public consultation the Australian Government will be using your feedback in finalising the development of a new National Cultural Policy – the first in nearly 20 years.

Since the discussion paper on the National Cultural Policy was released in August, organisations, community groups and thousands of Australians – from all around the country and from many different backgrounds – have contributed valuable suggestions and feedback.

This policy will reflect the many conversations that have taken place across the nation. What I have heard, overwhelmingly, is that people do believe a new cultural policy is required.

Through the National Cultural Policy, we will work to support the arts and strengthen its contribution to a dynamic and diverse Australia.

The National Cultural Policy will set the framework for Australian Government support for arts, culture and creativity for the next ten years, providing us with a common strategic direction and rationale for current and future investment.

I would like to thank you all for your responses. It is anticipated that the final policy will be released in 2012.


Crean's chance to make a difference to nation's cultural landscape
BY: LINDY HUME From: The Australian October 21, 2011 12:00AM
Arts Minister Simon Crean will consider responses to the new cultural policy discussion paper. Picture: Kym Smith Source: The Australian

THE preamble to the National Cultural Policy discussion paper envisages an Australian society in 10 years, when the arts are mainstreamed, embedded into the public consciousness via a range of government portfolios from health to tourism.

The core arts are presenting bold new Australian works to more culturally diverse audiences; creative industries are central to the success of nation-building infrastructure (read the National Broadband Network); regional Australia is creatively flourishing; and indigenous culture is front and centre.

Wonderful. I'm in. So how do we get there? ... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

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